Friday, September 29, 2023

Quite a demotion

Senator Diane Feinstein has died at age 90.

So, she's gone from being a U.S. Senator to someone who will now just be voting for future U.S. senators..


  1. 'A liberal to the core, she was rejected in recent years as too moderate by an increasingly left-wing Democratic Party.'
    A fitting epitaph for both the senator and the party.

  2. And now comes the hagiography, where we have to hear, ad nauseum, how selfless she was, what a trailbreaker, and that she made America better.

    Nope. She was an evil statist, and the only reason I won't cheer for her passing is because there's an apparently inexhaustible supply of equally evil statists waiting their turn at the reins of power.

  3. Steve - Another quote from one of Breitbart's articles.

    'Dianne Feinstein—the long-tenured California senator whose regal manner, coifed hair, and conservative suits barely masked a hard-edged leftism opposed to gun rights, the right to life of the unborn, conservative nominees to the Supreme Court, and border security—died Thursday.'

    The more I read about Lady F the more unpleasant she seems.

  4. Gregory, I've been thinking, and I can't for the life of me think of one pleasant female Dimocrat politician.

    Or male, for that matter. They're pretty much all nasty pieces of work.

  5. Karma came at her hard, though. When she was too far gone to know where she was or what was happening, she was wheeled around, told what to say, told how to vote, and on her last day, wheeled into the chamber to "cast" her last vote. In the end, she was nothing but a convenient tool in a wheelchair to be used by the people in her party.

  6. Also, I forgot to add, on that last day she was sick, but did anybody care?

  7. Her vote won't change.
    Polling Always Communist Oriented

  8. The headline we want to see, but never will ...

    China Sends Condolences to their Fallen Agent in California.

  9. I'm a little surprised they didn't stuff her and keep wheeling her in to vote in the Senate.

  10. V: Are we entirely sure that didn't happen?

  11. You must be thinking of Ginsberg or Strom Thurmond.
