Friday, September 22, 2023

The great winding down

"'Washington Whispers' About Joe Biden Roar to Life as DC Dems Fret About 'Advanced Age,' 2024 Chances".

This guy's rapidly proving useless even as a figurehead. I'm not sure he'll make it to the primaries. What are the donks going to do then? Foist a hologram on us? Build a Biden robot that runs on Artificial Stupidity?

"C'mon, Blinkin! You're of State. What are we going to do about the Mongolian navy?"


  1. "What are we going to do about the Mongolian navy?"

    Wait, do you watch the YT channel 'bald & bankrupt', too? He has a video where he travels to Mongolia to see the Mongolian Navy. A one ship Navy.

    On a land-locked lake!

    As to Biden's replacement, I think it should be Fetterman. All the mental acuity of Biden, but in a younger package.

    1. At least Joe dresses appropriately. I shudder to think of Fetterman on a junket, or at a State dinner.

  2. R-man: No, I'm not familiar with that channel; I'll have to give it a look.

    The Mongolian Navy came to mind as a result of something comical one of my subordinates said a few years before I retired. Our agency was going through a particularly tumultuous period, and our ultimate boss was involved in a power struggle. Given his tendency of continually letting himself get out-generaled by other high mucky-mucks, we figured we'd probably wind up losing a lot of the authority we had possessed up to that point (in the event, we did not - somewhat miraculously). My colleague said, during the worst of it, "I'm feeling like an admiral in the Mongolian Navy".

  3. Biden will become the new Max Headroom.

  4. bald & bankrupt has some interesting stuff, but if you just want to see the Mongolian Navy video, that's the link.

    If you want the Navy only, skip to 55:00 in the video.

  5. As long as Kami Klueless is in place, the Dems are stuck with Joe, even if they have to prop up his dead corpse Weekend-At-Bernie's style.

  6. I'd like to see a battle between the Mongolian Navy and Wyoming Navy.
