Friday, October 6, 2023

If the feds don't change course, it's liable to become a self-fulfilling prophesy

"FBI secretly monitoring MAGA ahead of 2024 election, says Trump supporters could start a CIVIL WAR".

Update  Ambulant, 132-lb* sack of toxic vindictiveness has a suggestion: "Hillary Clinton Calls for ‘Formal Deprogramming’ of MAGA ‘Cult Members’".

* Per the internet; she looks heavier than that to me.


  1. The only reason Killary would endorse deprogramming is that she doesn't have enough time for that much Arkancide.

  2. You're right. Not even Clintons can kill that fast.

  3. Funny how the people screaming the loudest about how the Republicans have embraced fascism claim that the solution is for them to install fascism.
