Monday, October 23, 2023

Oh, I believe them, I surely do

The latest outbreak of anti-Semitism is more vicious and more widespread than anything I've seen before: "Democrats Are Showing You Who They Are, Believe Them".

Sadly, a lot of Jews are just going to keep voting for this crowd. Big mistake. Don't think that because you may be non-observant and a progressive in good standing, that that's going to save you. The Left is now a patchwork of squabbling, competing tribes, and yours is dwindling in importance, even though your loyalty to the Party has been firm. And it's no longer a matter of numbers and election strategy: the Democrats, and the Left, in general, are becoming increasingly irrational. Your support is taken for granted, or perhaps not even wanted any longer, even though your votes exceed the votes of Arab-Americans. 

Or maybe this and all the other strange enthusiasms embraced by the Democratic Party are not irrational, at all. As genuine democracy becomes less important to the Left, maybe the apparatchiks are justified in ignoring the will of the people, including their own historically loyal supporters. Maybe they've ultimately got plans that don't include things like elections; ergo, the support of particular groups - Jews, for instance - becomes irrelevant. Although, as history has taught us, Jews may still have value to a totalitarian regime - as scapegoats.

Update This little bundle of anti-Semitism in her ever-present do-rag is one of the worst: "Ilhan Omar mocks Fox News ‘crazy lady’ when asked about Hamas terrorists ‘continuing to exist’".


  1. Even if you can't be bothered by genocide against Jews, you still need to ponder who would be next. Is anybody really naive enough to believe this stops with the Jews? How many on the left have proposed disenfranchising conservatives, or pushing them out of society, or even executing them?

    Everyone is aware of Maxine Waters promoting violence against Trump supporters. And of course we recently have Hillary suggesting that they be deprogrammed. The mobs demanding the extinction of Israel today can turn on a dime and demand the same for Republicans, or conservatives, or gun owners (although in the latter case there's always a disconnect on how they will do it).

  2. I mean seriously, genocide is baaaaad, okay? There isn't supposed to be any debate on that, is there? Genocide is not "nuanced" or "complex," there's no way you are the good guys if you support it.

    And no, the queers are not facing "genocide" just because parents don't want predators let loose on their children (related point: you're not making the compelling argument you think you are if you make pedophilia a "gay rights" issue). Palestinians (which is a made up ethnicity anyway) are not facing "genocide." Nor are they living in "apartheid." What the Palis and their allies are demanding is actual honest-to-God genocide, and the left is solemnly nodding along and saying "You know, they have a point..." If BLM and Antifa is backing genocide (and they are) they are not good people. Neither is anybody who supports BLM and Antifa after they've unmasked themselves as genocidal and anti-Semitic.

  3. Yeah, the Left won't stop with the Jews. We've got he government throwing pro-Trump trespassers in jail for years, and the FBI spying on Catholic churches.

    I'm still just astonished, though, at the rampant anti-Semitism everywhere: not just among BLM (way to show gratitude to the Jews for their participation in the civil rights movement, guys), in the universities - among students and professors - and in the entertainment industry. They can mask their hate behind "anti-Zionism" and "pro-Palestinian" rhetoric all they want; what we're looking at is pure Jew hatred.

    Crazy. The Left thinks actual genocide of people they don't like is something that is "nuanced", but the kind of phony genocide they attribute to the Israeli government against Palestinians is absolutely clear-cut and self-evident and utterly beyond the pale. Why do certain people invest so much of their lives and energy in the drama of trying to slay purely imaginary dragons?

  4. I would point out the Palestinians are facing apartheid in a number of countries.
    It's just not in Israel but in Jordan, Egypt and every other Muslim nation where they live.

  5. Veeshit, the Palestinians have made themselves persona non grata in nearly every Arab country they have been. They even got themselves kicked out of Kuwait for collaborating with Saddam during the Iraqi invasion and occupation. Speaking of Iraq, Saddam was happy to pay the next of kin of their "martyrs" but I don't recall him throwing open the gates for them.

    In fact, the only nations that have welcomed them appear to be the Western democracies. And some in the UK, France, Germany and the US are asking if that was really such a big-brained idea. Well, except for the globalists who have never encountered an idea so idiotic that they could dismiss it - so long as it helped them crush the normies.

  6. Crap. Veeshir. With a damned "r" for cripe's sake!

    Sorry man. I'm a dork.

    1. Not the first time I've been called Veeshit.

      The Arab countries like the Pali death cult pointed at Israel, not other Muslims.
      Just ask Lebanon, their civil war was courtesy the PLO.
