Wednesday, December 20, 2023

A "Palestinian state" really would be unprecedented



  1. Good luck with that.

    These are basically the same people who claim that the ancient Greeks and Romans stole democracy, math, astronomy, science, architecture, art and philosophy from the thriving black African kingdoms of... uh, Wakanda I guess. Whatever.

    You know, the people who tell us that Cleopatra was black, as was Hannibal Barca. And Jesus Christ. And Anne Boleyn. And Queen Charlotte. The ones who demand that all land be "returned" to the indigenous people. All land, that is, except for Ireland. And come to think of it, all of Western Europe.

  2. Israelis distinguish between the Land of Israel, which is the Promised Land, and the modern State of Israel, which is a fully legitimate modern nation state.

    Now some Israelis, the very religious, would like both, but even Netanyahu is practical and so are the majority. One important connection to the ancient Land though is including Jerusalem, which the modern state had to take by force.

    The legitimacy in modern terms is the ability to take and hold the land. Surely Israelis have proven over and over that they can do that, and that's what I admire. What's more, they do this more humanely than any rivals have done or could do.

    Comparisons in for example India: The state of Saurastra was ruled before 1947 by many 'rajas' who could not agree whether to join Pakistan or not. Finally in 1956 India just marched in and took it, and they have held it ever since. Indian forces also seized Cochin from Portugal, which was not part of British India. It was a much more complex story than people realise. So also with Israel.

    Moralists may quibble that might is not 'right', but that's all navel-gazing.

  3. Sorry, that should be Goa, which was a Portuguese colony:
    but taken by India in 1961.

    Cochin used to be Portuguese but then it was taken by the Dutch and finally the British 200 yrs ago. All this post WW2 history is so complex it confuses everyone.

  4. You will never convince the contrarians with facts. It's too much history for them to choke down.
