Tuesday, December 5, 2023

And now, a word from our sponsor



  1. Heh! Ol' Ron knew how to give gifts, huh?

    Ever notice that on older movies or TV shows there are "warnings" about the content? Kinda like the rating systems in the theaters that everyone ignores?

    "Smoking" is one of the included topics. Even if it's a pipe.


  2. Yeah, I've seen those warnings: "Includes strong language, sexual content and smoking".

    So many cigarettes were lit and smoked in the 1947 movie Out of the Past, it would probably be rated 'R' today, on that basis alone!

  3. Even better is the ending blurb in modern films asserting that they received no compensation for depicting tobacco use.

    Interesting that they don't do the same when they show drug use, or murder, or rape. Which just shows you that Hollywood is run by drugged up murdering rapists. In case you had any doubt.

  4. that is some festive packaging, if only I smoked.

    1. Two words: candy cigarettes. You can add a festive flare to the packaging, or stay true to the puff from the past packaging that they come in. There would still be some kind of warning, of course. Remember the anti-gun crackdown a few years ago. There was a woman who had the decoration on her purse confiscated by TSA. The decoration was a pair of crossed pistols. They were hollowed out and made of tin.

  5. Those were the days when we could light up wherever we were. I quit 37 years ago, but if someone sends me Chesterfields for Christmas . . .

  6. Those were the days when we could light up wherever we were. I quit 37 years ago, but if someone sends me Chesterfields for Christmas . . .

    Ah, yes. "Smoke 'em if you've got 'em". I'd be hard-pressed not to light up a Chesterfield, too, if someone gave me a carton (or a pack) for Christmas.

    I mean, I wouldn't want to hurt the giver's feelings...

  7. I went to Europe in the 90s, you could still smoke everywhere there.
    One elevator had 2 ashtrays, I always lit one up in the Extra-Smoking Elevator.
