Monday, December 4, 2023

"If I were the devil..."

The article at the link has a video montage set to the words of Paul Harvey's very prescient commentary from a 1965 broadcast.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.


  1. I miss the Paul Harvey commentaries. He told it like it is.

  2. It's almost like Paul Harvey was telling us that there are a lot of people working to create a world they won't like when it arrives.

  3. He mentions education which trains the emotions.
    My high school education was boys-only, and our school motto was 'Esto Vir', 'Be a man!'.

    I say was, because in 2023 my old school merged with the girls HS and primary school nearby to become a 'college'. In other words my old school ceased to exist. Now its motto is:

    'The College will form the vision of students who thrive, influence and help create a just and equitable world.'

    Apart from the weird grammar, it sounds like they aim to produce 'influencers' and peons in the hierarchy - 'helpers', and 'thriving' snowflakes. No more masculine virtue. These are feminine virtues plus social justice waffle - which the girls loved to spout even in my day, because it made them sound classy.

    I've always felt that co-education was a step on the road to hell, as far as training future citizens. But that makes me a bit of a dinosaur.
