Friday, December 8, 2023

It's getting to the point where being a law-abiding citizen is a sucker's game

"When Public Distrust of the FBI Comes Home to Roost".

I guess the geniuses at the FBI never figured that, if they went after the public, they might just, you know, lose public support.


  1. I have to wonder how long they've been so corrupt.
    I figure they learned their business during prohibition when they were fighting really bad guys.
    Do this unConstitutional thing because the bad guys are so bad, then they do the same thing when the the next bad guy isn't so bad.
    And now we're at the 'doing it because we don't like them/We Are The Law!' phase.

  2. And we thought it was bad with J Edgar Hoover and his taste in cocktail gowns.
