Monday, December 18, 2023




  1. I'm sure Bibi is taking it all to heart. But probably not in the way the Biden regime would like.

  2. Israel is most successful when it follows an Israel First policy.

  3. "Look Jack, I was the one who shot Obama been, uh... you know, the thing! And as a great American once said, I only regret that my cheese isn't, er, trunphlefernazine! Hey sweetie, how old are you? I bet your hair smells great! Now, I'm probably gonna get in trouble for saying this, but arglebufflemort is the only way greeezlebim... and stuff."

  4. Well, they organized a flawless military withdrawal from Afghanistan, so telling Israel how to fight a war should be a piece of cake for them.

  5. Yeah, Biden cautions against 'indiscriminate bombing' by Israel - total BS, as if Israel would ever do that.

    BTW, who knew that 'proportionality' does not mean 'an eye for an eye' as is believed by idiots? Instead it means the military method should be proportional to the goal, nothing to do with 'both sides':

  6. Doesn't Bibi know you're supposed to retreat and leave $billions in materiel for your enemy?
