Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas!

Season's greetings to Paco Nation - the Andorra of the world of blogs! It's been a trying year in many ways, but here we all still are, so that's something to be thankful for. 

Mrs. Paco and I wish you all a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year, as we continue to work and pray for a return to truth, justice and the American way (there is no Super Man in the offing, so it's all on us).

And here's a long-time Paco Christmas favorite: the Tractors, with "The Santa Claus Boogie".


  1. Just after 4pm here on the other west coast. A fairly typical Christmas day, uncomfortably warm until the Fremantle Doctor arrived and knocked a few degrees off the temperature.
    It's also been very quiet. Half the neighbourhood is away, but it seems the other half is hosting family friends and random walk-ins. The street is jam packed with cars. And these days, when I say 'cars', half the time I mean those oversized utilities designed to drag oversized caravans.

  2. I wish a Merry Christmas to everyone reading my Christmas wish that you have a Merry Christmas!

  3. Merry Christmas to all and sundry.

  4. That was me, RebeccaH

  5. Merry Christmas, everyone!

  6. Merry blessed Christmas to all!

  7. To all the Paco family a very Merry Christmas and a tumultuous new year. Time to put the trash out and get the world back to some type of sanity.

  8. The way I see it, it's not Christmas until I see Hans Gruber fall from the Nakatomi Tower!

    Two days ago I saw a meme telling us to, on Christmas Eve, place cigarettes, shoes, Twinkies and a Beretta 92 in the vent for John McClane.

  9. Merry Christmas to all Pacostanis!
    And happy holidays to you feds surveilling us.
