Friday, December 29, 2023

On second thought, y'all go on home



  1. Where's dry ramen guy when you need him.

  2. Canberra is supposedly bringing them in by the truckload too. But this comment at Gab caught my attention.

    "Lots of our 'immigrants' are working holiday visas, ie backpackers and students. Based on the ridiculous prices I have seen for hostels they won't stick around. Especially the ones realising their degree is brainwashing and worthless.
    The jobs like nurses and police officers aren't attracting immigrants.
    Not convinced I would stay longer if my job as a Colombian who can't speak English was cleaning hotels.
    The Korean who bought my car wanted to go home after 3 weeks."

    It's certainly hard to believe that anyone would contemplate a permanent move to Australia so soon after the record length lockdowns and the videos of police violence. Those images are going to linger a while.

  3. The invaders will stay as along as they can score freebies. Once that dries up (and it will) a lot of them will go home, or they'll take slave wage jobs or they'll turn to crime and be worse off than they were in their home countries. 2024 is going to be a very interesting year, I think.

    1. I'm not sure they will return home. The probability is they will take more than one low wage jobs, and be sharing the rent with more than the legal occupancy. In California, people converted their garages into rentals.

  4. At my last job I was confronted by New Zealanders and post-WW2 Polish migrants who demanded that I formally 'recognise' aboriginal people who my ancestors stole the land from, they said.

    It means saying a formal 'acknowledgement' before every meeting:

    Reminds me of Catholic school when we said prayers before class.

    The Polish guy actually said to me 'It's not your land, you stole it from the aborigines'.

    'I wish we didn't save you from the Germans' I thought to myself.

    1. "I wish we didn't save you from the Germans I thought to myself."
      Too bad you didn't say that to him.

      I like pointing out that American Indians would still be pooping in the woods year round, etc without Europeans. They should try that in northern states in the winter. This doesn't absolve the horrors, just acknowledge contributions.

    2. There are instances of stolen land, but there are also instances of being conquered. The latter aren't just European victories. Native tribes and bands fought each other.
