Saturday, December 23, 2023

Yeah, like we needed a name tag



  1. Apparently the Big O is a pal of Gay's and she called in some chips for him to intervene with HAH-vahd. Because expecting blacks to act in a civilized manner is racism.

    Or so the anti-racists keep telling us. Blacks have a different "truth" that precludes them acting like other people. It's racist to claim otherwise.

  2. Barry and Claudine: sisters of the skin.

  3. Yeah, well, here's my truth: merit trumps social engineering. Don't care where it comes from, don't care if somebody accomplishes something because of "privilege". Knowing your stuff and doing a good job is bottom line with me.

  4. Pa-co is a ray-cist, nyah nyah nyahnyahnyah!

  5. Knowing your stuff and doing a good job is bottom line with me.

    Oh, then you must really appreciate the current President & VP and their lifetimes of knowing their stuff and doing a good job!

  6. Except that that they know nothing but graft, and do nothing but line their own pockets - not quite what I meant.
