Tuesday, January 9, 2024

And now, a word from our sponsor



  1. Oh wow. Aside from the product, there are any number of reasons this commercial would cause a social media riot today.

    Speaking of the product, funny how the people most vehement about banning tobacco demand legalizing every other drug. Can't walk down the street in San Francisco puffing a cigar, but can shoot up or smoke meth, all while dropping a deuce on the sidewalk.

  2. Yeah, never mind the carcinogens - look at all the cultural appropriation!!!!!

  3. It seems to me someone has changed the specifications on women in the last number of years.

  4. It seems to me someone has changed the specifications on women in the last number of years.

    If you mean that Edie Adams hawking Muriel cigars is easier on the eyes than, say, Lizzo pushing vapes, I definitely agree.

  5. An image search with regard to Ms Adams has been most (ahem) rewarding! The only Edie I knew to now was Eydie Gorme.
