Monday, January 8, 2024

Another wave of persecution on the way?

"DOJ Threatens to Charge 'Thousands' More J6 Trespassers".

This is evil. It's obvious what they're trying to do: they're trying to chill dissent in the future. And all the while they're going after grannies and military veterans and even off-duty law enforcement personnel who happened to wander through (and now, those who simply were in the environs of) the Capitol Building, we've got hundreds and perhaps thousands of potential terrorists pouring across our southern border. And there's also the little matter of pro-Palestinian protestors who have been "parading" in government buildings. And let's not forget the thousands of BLM and Antifa thugs who somehow managed to acquire instant immunity from prosecution when they were vandalizing and burning down entire city blocks.

If there is another civil war, it will be on their heads.


  1. It doesn't matter what you do when you protest.

    The only thing that matters is which banner you hold or what slogan you chant.

  2. Could what the DOJ is doing be considered a 'legal precedent'? And can we assume that if Trump is the next President and he orders the DOJ to prosecute a bunch of Dimocrat insurrectionists, will the Dimocrats accept that he is acting on their precedent?
