Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Canada energy update


H/T: Woodsterman


  1. I get solicitation from some group promoting solar here in Washington. They go right to the bit bucket.

    I mean, how many trees would I have to clear to make enough room for the panels? Maybe they could go on my roof, my house is situated so that each half of the roof splits the daily sunlight - when we get daily sunlight. Then I gotta figure out how to clear snow from then, unless I decide that electricity is no big deal when snow is on the ground.

  2. When we moved to Michigan for Mr. H’s job (four miserable years in that place in the middle of the auto manufacturing meltdown, we bought a house that had solar panels on the roof (for the extra hot water, the previous owner told us). Our last winter there, the water pipes under the roof froze and burst, caving in the living room ceiling. Michigan winters, eh?


  3. I was doing my inaugural freshman college semester at the University of Detroit in the fall of 1973. There was a record snow storm in December that was so bad that, for the first time in history, there was one day on which the Detroit Free Press wasn't delivered.
