Monday, January 22, 2024

It was only a matter of time...

...until the leftist fat cats (and their spawn) began advocating the assassination of their political enemies: "Alex Soros Tweets Out Bullet Hole and 47 — A Direct Violent Threat to Donald Trump!"

Not very subtle, Mr. Soros. You'd best watch out for ricochets.


  1. I hope it doesn't come to that, but the TDS is strong with enough people that someone might think about ridding us of literally hitler. looney john nearly took out the gipper back in the day, I worry that someone will see themselves as a hero for trying.

  2. They've been doing this for a while. Hell, remember the rape porn lefties indulged in about Sarah Palin? And remember the puppet President loves to "joke" about killing Americans with F-15s.

    And don't forget Dick Durban and Bernie Sanders sent James Hodgkinson to assassinate Republican representatives at baseball practice (oh, there's no direct evidence they sent him? Bite me - those aren't the rules they play by). In any event, the left cheered the attempt, just as they did when Rand Paul was assaulted.

  3. I wonder when the Secret Poli... Service knocks down his door and throws him into jail.
    Sorry, I know I shouldn't post ridiculous stuff.

  4. When Nixon was running for his second term, I remember seeing a poster put out by some lefty group (might have been SDS, not sure) that had a picture of a rifle cartridge and the words "Nixon in '72" printed on the side of the cartridge.

    There are always plenty of people who would gladly see their intellectual opponents dead; and there are frequently at least a few people around who are willing to try and make it happen.

  5. I'm sure the White House will be issuing an official statement condemning Soros for this hate speech any time now! Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House Lying to the Press Secretary will make it public any time now!

    No really, just hold your breath a little bit longer, it'll be here!

  6. The Left calls this kind of thing a "dog whistle". As Trump solidifies his position as the GOP nominee and the lawfare collapses we will see more of this.

  7. I'm surprised we haven't heard about an attempt on Trump's life before now, given the irrational hatred of the left. I just hope his security details are very, very good.
