Wednesday, January 17, 2024


When bloggers and a handful of conservative reporters have to establish what is essentially a citizens' counterespionage network because our own government is carrying out psy-ops against the people, we are well advanced toward the collapse of our republic.

H/T:  Ace of Spades


  1. Not looking forward to America's descent into a low-trust society.

    But at age 67, odds are good that i may insulate myself, personally, from most of the effects. Too bad for those coming after me... but I'm usre that as bad as thins get they'll still keep voting Dem.

    Sort of like how, in the old USSR, people always reliably voted the party line. For one thing, there was not other line to hew to. As bad as things got, what else were you going to vote for?

  2. See, noticing this kind of stuff is stochastic terrorism.

  3. Once again, I denounce myself to myself.

  4. "Disease X" is coming to make us forget all about Hunter and his lap top.
