Thursday, January 18, 2024

Seriously, we need better global elites than this

"HOLY HELL! Another Elitist Freak Show… Demonic Witch Mumbles Incantations, Hexes Stage, Blows Air at Attendees… Welcome to Davos!"

I am not going to eat bugs and buy an EV if you people don't get real!

No surprise, here, that the Davos crowd embraces shamanism.


  1. I don't think the "elites" believe in any of that crap, because I don't think they have any beliefs or principles at all except the lust for power and money. They're just putting on woke theater to keep the indigenes happy, and they don't realize that normal people are catching on to it.

  2. I wonder how many "Satanists" in the West truly worship Satan? My impression, at least of the ones getting media attention, is that they are really mocking the religious, primarily Christians. Which is infantile, to say the least. It's like a toddler picking up a dog turd because he knows Mommy has a freakout when he does it. Ha ha ha, look at Mommy's mad face!

    But then, many if not most progressives embody Daddy issues. Hate your parents? Make sure to leave a copy of Howard Zinn where they'll see it and wear a Che shirt. And don't forget the tats.

  3. Stephen, IMHO, those followers of "alternative religions" (and I include Islam, socialism, and atheism in that category, but YMMV) reject Christianity for one reason or another.

    Yet there is a compulsion, shall we say, for people to believe, or have faith, in something. Or deity, if you like. I suspect that those who are like the turd grabbing kids tend to believe in themselves as the ultimate power, i.e., narcissists.
