Thursday, January 25, 2024

Standing up against the power of the centralized state


My own stupid donk governor naturally isn't going to support this, but he'll be gone before too long.

Update The total number of states now publicly supporting Texas has increased to 25.


  1. If nothing else, the Joebama bots who are running the so-called Biden "administration" should regard this as a warning shot across the bow.

  2. That map excludes those parts of the don ruled states (for a valid reason), but lean conservative.

    As one commenter on X noted, there are no blue states, only blue cities. Which the donks tend to ignore. To their peril.

  3. There will be more who join the resistance. All are courageous because they don't have the Constitutional protection that Texas does. Texas is the only state that was founded as a Republic.

    The Texas secessionists have been around for awhie, but now they're making a renewed effort promoting TXIT. It's a sure bet that their numbers will increase. If Biden federalises the Texas Nation Guard, a multitude of patriotic Texans and probably "honorary Texans" will rise up.

  4. Vermont too was republic before it was a state; 1777-1791; and the Second Vermont Republic folks talk about seceeding every once in a while.
