Friday, January 19, 2024

The Biden propaganda machine

Or, given the Resident's diminished mental capacity, maybe I should just call it the Deep State's propaganda machine: "Biden's Monstrous 'Anti-Terror' Plan to Censor Christians, Conservatives Before 2024 Election".

The Media Research Center (MRC) has uncovered a Biden Administration plot — yes, plot — to silence conservatives before the 2024 election with a "media literacy" program that targets conservatives, Christians, gun owners, and the GOP in the name of fighting terrorism. The program uses federal taxpayer funds to pay people to write, blog, and podcast messages that are anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Republican, and anti-anyone who ever thought Donald Trump wore nice ties.
This goes beyond campaign bromides and slogans by crazed James Carville politicos; this program uses the force of government to smear anyone to the right of the organized left. We're in Joseph Goebbels territory here. Heil Biden!


Meanwhile, Republicans just stumble around pursuing agendas at odds with their base, or stare off into the middle distance like a beagle wondering when somebody's going to fill its food dish. Hey, GOP "leadership", are you ready for a populist DIY revolution? Because I can practically guarantee that a do-nothing Republican party will not survive such an event, regardless of whether the normals succeed or fail. 


  1. They continue their march towards blood in the streets.

  2. Let's face it, the Joebamabots in the White House are running things, and not one of them seems to know what all the others are doing. Certainly there's no leadership from the desiccated walking corpse who sits in the Oval Office. So the Republicans, who can't see past the way things always worked before, are standing around wondering what they're supposed to do now.

  3. I don't know what they're planning on doing before the election, but I don't think we're gonna like it.
