Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The least surprising thing I've heard today

Rep. Rag-Bone-and-Hank-of-Hair apparently believes that the constitution is about situational rights: "George Stephanopoulos Stunned After Pelosi Suggests States Can Overrule Constitution and Ban Trump From Presidential Ballot".

Like most leftist politicians (or maybe like most politicians, in general) Pelosi doesn't believe in life after office, so she's planning on running, yet again, in 2024, when she'll be 83 years old. 


  1. Nasty Pelosi has kind of been going downhill ever since the last election pried her wizened claws off the Speaker's gavel and her husband got beaned by that lunatic in their home. But she naturally wants to run again because she thinks the Republicans will lose the House (which they may, the clod-footed morons) and she'll be Speaker again. It's her only reason for living.

  2. She believes that, right up until a red state bans Biden from their ballot.

  3. Always remember who was in charge of the Capitol Police on 6 January 2021. Despite smirky Adam Schiff's flatulent posturing, it was Pelosi. Just as DC Mayor Bowser was in charge of the DC police that day.

  4. Did not Southern states try this approach back just before the recent unpleasantness?
