Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Another milepost on the road to social disintegration

"Squatters Are Taking Over Homes All Over The Nation On An Industrial Scale And Turning Them Into Dens Of Crime".

Squatters are ruining entire neighborhoods in Atlanta and police response to evict is so slow, some homeowners have resorted to paying nuisances to leave.
Brazen squatters even opened an illegal strip club on a property they had taken over — one of the 1,200 homes which has been squatted in the city, according to the National Rental Home Council (NRHC) trade group.
“I’d be terrified in Atlanta to lease out one of my properties,” Matt Urbanski, who manages a local home-cleaning company, told Bloomberg.

They had a way of dealing with nesters back in the days of the Old West, but those times are gone forever, I reckon.



  1. ...but those times are gone forever, I reckon.

    Maybe, maybe not. I would guess one of the main factors in its use back then was lack of rule of law and/or law enforcement.

    The lack of rule of law and law enforcement seems to be making a comeback, so maybe the way of dealing with squatters back in the days of the Old West will make a comeback, too.

  2. The lack of rule of law and law enforcement seems to be making a comeback, so maybe the way of dealing with squatters back in the days of the Old West will make a comeback, too.

    Maybe so (be still my beating heart!)

  3. "Property is, like, theft, maaaan."

    Used to be you only heard scraggly hippies in Che shirts spouting such nonsense. But the past few years major media and political figures have said essentially the same thing regarding mass looting and vandalism. "Howcum you prioritize property rights over a system of oppression?"

    Yeah, well, you lay claim to my property, then you are claiming my labor uncompensated. Which is called slavery. Which is what you pretend to be correcting with your thuggish behavior. And so yes, I do believe lethal force is appropriate to defend one's property.

  4. Low, or no, respect for property rights has always been a feature of Leftist ideology, but usually just the more extremist wing was so vocal about it. Now, respect for private property is a commonplace idea everywhere on the Left.

  5. I meant to say, the absence of respect for private property is a commonplace idea, etc.

  6. I have finally figured out why things are the way they are today. The world is evolving into Bizzaro World. Once you accept that it all becomes clear.
