Saturday, March 2, 2024

It's just like the old west...

...when every punk wanting to build a reputation went after the top gunfighter. In this case, the punk is Tracie Porter.


RebeccaH said...

How does a traffic court judge get to decide who goes on a ballot for election? Something needs to be corrected, here.

Stephen A Skubinna said...

Democracy is far too important to be left in the hands of the people. It must be carefully cherished and safeguarded by experts.

And if anybody wants to pipe up with "But we're a republiiiiiic..." that train has left the airport. The US is now an autocracy.

rinardman said...

How does a traffic court judge get to decide who goes on a ballot for election?

It seems like there are a lot of things judges are deciding these days that should be decided by the people (or their representatives, anyway).

Oh, and Stephen, I think you've been watching too many Biden speeches. You're starting to sound like him.

Veeshir said...

Dancing in the blood of the rule of law.
It's actually perfect that a traffic court judge decided to disenfranchise millions of voters.
She's better than the hoi polloi and therefore, her right to do so.

JeffS said...

Tracie is either up for re-election, and needs the publicity, or has her eyes on another job, and wants to prove her loyalty to the regime.

Pathetic, either way.

Deborah said...

That was my thought. Did the higher ups think this would fly under the radar. Is it legal for a traffic judge to make such judgments. If there are, change the law, close all loopholes that allow it. And, of course, remove that judge.