Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Working-with-your-hands Wednesday

Frankly, I didn't know they still made these things.


JeffS said...

I gotta say, that video is way over narrated; it feels like it was made for potential (and drunk?) investors and/or convincing The Woke™ not to cancel this product.

And, like you, Paco, I didn't know they were still being made.

That said ... ignoring the downside, it's interesting to see how they're made. I never really thought about it, but there's considerable thought and science that goes into their manufacture. Especially considering that the original target of lava lamps was the "hip generation", i.e., hippies.


Paco said...

Jeff: Part of the appeal of the video, to me, was the unintentional humor: "highest standards", "rigorous quality control", "continuing popularity" - all done up with a posh pommie accent!

Stephen A Skubinna said...

What's this, Paco? You mean to say you don't have a lava lamp? Right next to your beanbag chair?

JeffS said...

"...all done up with a posh pommie accent!"

Y'know, I was going to say that the video resembled a poorly produced BBC documentary.

But I didn't, dagnabit!