Sunday, March 3, 2024

You ain't serious, are you?

"MSNBC, Paul Krugman Panic Over 'White Rural Rage'".

As long as you Bolsheviks and perverts and child killers stay out of our counties, y'all ain't got much to worry about. It ain't like we're goin' to pay a small fortune for the gas required to drive our pickup trucks to the big city to protest, just so we can get our a$$es arrested by your bought and paid for lawmen. 

Now, if you're worried that we may exercise our constitutional right to vote, and that we may vote for somebody y'all don't approve of - yeah, that could be a problem for you. But don't try pullin' none of that stuff like Stalin did in the Ukraine against the country folk; we got more than scythes and pitchforks to use in our defense. 

Ain't that right, boys?

"You said it, Cap'n Paco!"


  1. Demonization is alive and well here in the US of A.

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaMarch 3, 2024 at 12:32 PM

    They're desperate. Long ago they wrote off Middle America, but had the good sense to keep their opinions to themselves, or at least only say them in private. But the fact is that the "coastal elites" have hated normal Americans for many years, only sometimes letting the mask slip. That famous New Yorker cover cartoon of the US? Sure it's funny, but it also expresses a truth" they do think that way.

    But lately they have been panicking. Part of the reason might be the crumbling of trust in the media, as more and more of us are faced with how duplicitous, corrupt, and mendacious they are. A large part was the 2016 election, which was not supposed to happen the way it did. For the first time, their smug sense of inevitability, of "being on the right side of history" has cracked.

    And so now they are loudly screaming what they only whispered amongst themselves before.

  3. Setting the stage for the next op.

  4. They obviously don't get it. Most of our anger is because listening to idiots like them pisses us off.

    They need to just shut-up!

    1. If they were to shut up, then we wouldn't know their plans.

  5. The funny thing about the 2016 election was that the folks who liked Trump didn't admit to it to pollsters; he had 1%-5% chance of winning; the basket of deplorables stayed under the radar; then the impossible happened! Deplorables came out and it's a bit more than a basket full and the elites were not happy at all; they thought that resistance would be the way to stop it, but he managed to do some good anyway; now, with Biden some are seeing what would have happened if Trump hadn't won. The elites still don't like the deplorables and need a solution; demonizing is their favorite means.

  6. White rural rage? Isn't that the major cause of all these sudden deaths from myocarditis?
    No, wait, I'm reading next week's script. Move along folks, nothing to see here.
