Monday, April 29, 2024

Feds on parade



JeffS said...

Astroturfing, courtesy of the Deep State.

Stephen A Skubinna said...

"How do you do, fellow patriots? Hey, who wants to do an insurrection?"

RebeccaH said...

If they're serious, I think they should take their "march" to Columbia University or one of those other snooty campuses where Hamas supporters are holding court. Then we'd see how legit they are.

rinardman said...

Clearly they're MAGA extremists, why else would they be carrying a sign that says 'America is not for sale'?

And marching in Charleston, WV, a hot bed of political activism.

Paco said...

And marching in Charleston, WV, a hot bed of political activism.

I was wondering how they picked that town, myself.

tom said...

my guess is that Charleston, WV is as far away from Columbia University and those other snooty campuses where Hamas supporters are holding court as they could think of.

Veeshir said...

Why Charleston?
I figure they went a little south on 95 from the training facility in Stafford then took 64 west until they had to stop for gas.
That or they were busting some granny for J6 INSURRECTION!!!!! and figured they'd do a two'fer field trip for the new class.

Deborah said...

Another telltale sign is all of them wearing the same Ray Ban sunglasses.