Monday, April 15, 2024

How Joe Biden and his highly-credentialed idiots made a mess of American foreign policy

With a huge assist from Barack Obama, of course.

Victor David Hanson: “Don’t!”— Or Ten Ways to Guarantee a Theater-wide War.

Update Seriously, if this evil clown is reelected (in an honest election), I'm not sure that our country doesn't deserve to perish: Joe Biden Approved Iran's Assault on Israel 'Within Certain Limits'.

He and his cabal are a bunch of loose canons, rolling around the deck of the ship of state, loaded, with fuses lit. 


  1. Every time I think I couldn't loathe Dirty Old Joe more, he does something like this.

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaApril 15, 2024 at 1:08 PM

    Bear in mind that Biden also gave Putin permission to invade Ukraine.

    But Trump is totally a Russian stooge you guys!

  3. Damn Trump and his, checks notes, strong economy, strong international posture, lower prices, peace and mean tweets; so glad that the other guy won so that the world can see what a difference it made than if Hillary had won.

  4. Seriously, if this evil clown is reelected (in an honest election)...

    So, what are the odds that the election will be honest?

  5. Small, I presume. The distinction is important, however. If it should be shown decisively that a majority of voters did, indeed, favor this stumbling disaster of a human being - with all of the cultural derangement, economic ignorance, perversion of the law and foreign policy ineptitude that attaches to him and his minders - then I think it could be argued that the country we grew up in has ceased to exist, and has been replaced by one unfit for a free people. At which point, the normals can begin to build their own society - perhaps having first to wage and win a civil war. We are at the stage where all kinds of possibilities exist - none of them affording easy solutions.
