Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Is that so?

Savor the fatuity of this duck-lipped Deep State tool: "Wray: We’re Not Monitoring Campus Protests, ‘We Don’t Monitor Protests’ We Do Share Intel About Threats".

“We don’t monitor protests, but we do share intelligence about specific threats of violence with campuses, with state and local law enforcement, but we don’t monitor protests.”

Well, here's my question, J. Edgar Doofus: do you go after the violent ones with the same dogged determination that you have shown in pursuing elderly grannies who took a stroll in the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 7th? Are there any networks of well-funded anti-Semitic activists that might be pushing college campuses toward violence - indeed, have already done so? Or haven't you looked into that, yet? Maybe you'd rather just adopt the "Surprise me" approach that has led you and some of your predecessors to fail so spectacularly in identifying real terrorists - you know, the ones who have actually killed thousands of people.


  1. There's the drone video footage the Effin' Bee Eye provided to the prosecutor of Kyle Rittenhouse not so long ago. I doubt they've changed their policies THAT much.

    Decorum prevents from expounding on the matter. IYKYK.

  2. After the next lefty terror attack, we'll hear how xe was on the FBI's radar.

  3. Stephen A SkubinnaApril 24, 2024 at 9:47 PM

    Nope, too busy keeping an eye on those dangerous Catholics who like the Mass in Latin. And parents ticked that rapists and pedophiles are let loose on the schools. And those terrorists praying near abortion clinics.

    Oh, and did we ping your phone on the lawn in front of the US Capitol on 6 January? You're going to prison, Sparky!

  4. Now Arizona is indicting a whole raft of Trump supporters because they disputed the election. I wonder where they're going to put all these political prisoners. They'll have to build something new, I don't know ... maybe a gulag?

  5. Rebecca: Outrageous. Practically every Democrat in Washington, DC and elsewhere contested Trump's victory, and Hillary and others were calling upon electors to "vote their conscience" (i.e., vote for her, no matter what). And then they immediately tried to sabotage his election with the Russia collusion nonsense. To hell with all of 'em!
