Friday, April 26, 2024

Looks like this is one coup the arch-brainiacs in the White House couldn't pull off

"Inside the failed White House coup to oust Biden press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre"

Black, female and gay; she couldn't have had a better job insurance policy if she had gone to Lloyd's of London.


Stephen A Skubinna said...

Good luck. WOC. Queer. Immigrant.

She's not going anywhere unless she wants to, dummies. No way you can shift her, so just lie back and think of England. Oh, and you're all racist misogynist xenophobic homophobes.

Gregoryno6 said...

Karine's primary qualification for the job wasn't her colour, her gender, or her sexual preference.
Jen Psaki chose her because she knew Karine would make her look better in retrospect.
So far, it's working very well.

RebeccaH said...

Poor little Mop Top. I wonder how many tell-all books we'll get out of her about how she was oppressed.