Sunday, April 14, 2024

We offer our deepest sympathies... the families and friends of those people killed in that horrible knife attack in a Sydney Mall yesterday, and our prayers for the quick and full recovery of the injured: "Six Killed, Multiple Injured in Sydney Shopping Mall Stabbing Attack, Suspect Shot Dead".

I'd like to see a show of hands from my Australian readers so I'll know you lot are ok.


  1. All good here. Just wishing we had more guns in the hands of the good and decent public. Great job from the police woman who put him down and a big shoutout to the man who took the prick on with a bollard.

  2. Yes. We have an old friend who lives near that shopping mall and often goes there. By Saturday nite we heard that she was ok. She had planned her usual visit to the mall but put it off, which she attributes to divine providence.

    The daughter of another friend was in the area but says she's safe.

    It's in the main street shops which serve Bondi Beach, the 'Junction', so it's a popular spot which many visit. I even lived there in my nomadic youth.

    The circumstances of the 6 people murdered are very sad.

  3. Daily Mail has been good for background details:

    My wife was outside Strathfield Mall in 1991 when a guy went berserk and killed 7 people, plus 6 injured:

    Back then there was no internet and you can imagine how worried I was until she got home.

  4. We do, indeed, extend our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of the deceased. High praise to the policewoman, and the civilian who responded.

    I'm glad that our friends are ok.

  5. Still here. But with more bad news.
    Bishop Mari Mari Emmanuel of the Assyrian Orthodox Church was stabbed during a televised service.
    The Bishop was one of the few clergy who spoke out against vaccine mandates and lockdowns. The attack may be unrelated, but these days, who knows?

  6. Hi Gregory, it looked like the bishop was stabbed by a fellow parishioner who was standing at the front during the service before attacking. A young man who looked a bit crazy (another one? Copycat effect?)

    But thanks for that info about the bishop, I'd forgotten.

    I see NY Post claimed that the Church in Sydney's western suburbs and the Bondi Junction mall were 'nearby'. In fact they're 25 miles apart and as different as say Long Island and Queens. In the same city but otherwise far apart.

  7. Good to hear all the Australian Pacotistas are okay. Horrible news about the mall stabbings and the church stabbing. Maybe this kind of things went on all the time before the internet came into being, but now it seems like the whole world is swarming with crazies and fanatics.

  8. OK, it's looking like the attack on the bishop was motivated by Islamic revenge. Our police have labelled it a 'terror attack' and the attacker was said to be motivated by the bishop's comments on 'the prophet'.

    The attacker is 15 yrs old, looks like a fellow Syrian to these Assyrian Christians. They went berserk and the 15 yr old's hands have been modified, fingers cut off it's said.

    I went to school in Sydney with Lebanese Maronite Christians who accept Roman Catholicism. There is also a large Coptic Orthodox community in western Sydney, and many other denominations including these Assyrian Christians. It did not all start in the 1960s as some imagine - my Lebanese school friends' families had arrived in Australia by 1950, and people from Alexandria in Egypt were also arriving around that time. The people of Malta were given British citizenship during WW2 and many came from there to Australia, as all British were then legally entitled to do.

  9. The churches of the east have always fascinated me. Some in communion with Rome, some strictly Orthodox. Mrs. Paco's grandparents were members of the Orthodox Church under the patriarchate of Antioch before they all left (fled) the Ottoman Empire for South America, where subsequent generations were brought up in the Roman Catholic faith. It is interesting to note that when her grandparents left Bethlehem at the beginning of WWI, there was still an Ottoman Sultan.

  10. Some eastern churches get accused of Nestorianism, but they dispute that label.

    There's a useful chart of different denominations on this page:
