Saturday, April 13, 2024

Well, buckle up

"Iran Launches Attack Against Israel with Long-range Drones".

Alternate headline: "What hath Obama wrought?"


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaApril 13, 2024 at 8:21 PM

    Looks as though Israel has weathered the attack well.

    Sorry to say this, but I suspect that an attack like this would have been devastating against nearly any other country (the US most definitely included). The two facts that Israel is already on a war footing, and probably has the best air defenses in the world, saved them.

    This time.

  2. Sorry to say this, but I suspect that an attack like this would have been devastating against nearly any other country (the US most definitely included).

    I agree.

  3. I suppose since Iran 'only' used drones, that means Israel can't retaliate by bombing Iran back to the Stone Age?

    I mean the country, not the government. The government's already there.

    1. Attacks are attacks regardless of the weapons.

  4. Yeah, the government couldn't go back much further in time than it has.

    I don't know if Israel is limited to the same general response or not. Maybe someone who knows more than I do about the subject can weigh in.

  5. I dug around in the pile of poo and found a pony: If nothing else, the fact that Israel (with help from the US and the UK) managed to shoot down nearly all the drones makes Iran look weak and stupid. It also points up the theory that maybe drone attacks aren't all that efficient after all.
