Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Working-with-your-hands Wednesday



  1. I couldn't even begin to draw a circle that perfect.


  2. Having been trained in basic drafting skills many many MANY moons ago, I can only say that tor all the apparent lack of effort, that demonstration represents years of training and practice ... ... and not a little natural talent.

    And, unlike you, Rebecca, I can draw a circle that perfect ... ... only I have to use a template (which I still have, by the way, along with the rest of my college era drafting kit).

  3. More of a dodecahedron man, myself.

  4. HAW! I had to look up "dodecahedron", Paco .....

  5. Double HAW! I remembered that it was a shape, but I had to look it up, too, because I couldn't remember how many sides it had.

  6. Triple HAW!!
    The only reason I had knowledge of a dodecahedron was because of golf and gambling.
    Years ago I bought some Dunlop DDH golf balls and my playing partner who was much smarter than me explained that DDH stood for, you guessed it, dodecahedron. He then went on to explain the twelve pentagons and all that. It didn't help my golf though.
    So we finish golf and are having a beer in the clubhouse afterwards where the tv had horseracing showing. Well lo and behold, one of the horses was called dodecahedron!! Well didn't we get onto that nag in a big way and you know the rest. It ran like a twelve sided bunch of pentagons.

  7. It ran like a twelve sided bunch of pentagons.

    Man, that story should have had a different ending. Hilarious!
