Tuesday, April 30, 2024

You can, and will, be replaced

Dutch commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek talks about the Great Replacement.

Related  The new Nazis and the coming genocide they are planning.

Pay very close attention to the leaders of these protests. Many are soon going to become major players in the Democratic Party, which is closely tied to these pro-Hamas riots and clearly want them to continue.

This is all practical training for the even greater thuggishness to come. If the Republican Party doesn't get its act together - i.e., by purging its time-serving invertebrate idiots and taking the fight to the Democrats at all levels - the Leftists are eventually going to start engaging in door-to-door violence, coming after us in our own homes. 


rinardman said...

...the Leftists are eventually going to start engaging in door-to-door violence, coming after us in our own homes.

If I know they're coming, I'll be there to welcome them.

It may not be a pleasant welcome...

Paco said...

I hope they're all carrying i.d. - you know, so I'll know where to send the remains.

When it comes to that kind of crap, I ain't playin'.

Stephen A Skubinna said...

As for myself I live far enough from major population centers that they likely won't get this far. So I'm not concerned for my own safety so much as I am about the inevitable societal collapse that follows when these people get their way.

Year Zero - coming to a formerly First World country near you!

JeffS said...

Ditto, Stephen. It ain't gonna be pleasant, though, anywhere in the former Republic.

tom said...

I'm in the city, but in a quiet neighborhood, unobtrusive and defensible, but, you gotta sleep sometimes.

I hope total societal collapse doesn't happen and it's just the normal catastrophising that has been the news since, well, ever.

RebeccaH said...

I live in a small, rural town that sits between two large cities, so we probably won't get much spillover. But if there is any, I think they'll be surprised at the firepower that resides here.