Saturday, May 25, 2024

I need to get one

Justice Alito and his scandalous flag.


  1. a couple of the BLM protests had the pine tree flag too.

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaMay 25, 2024 at 7:57 PM

    These same jackwagons tried to make the Gadsden Flag, and also the Continental Navy jack racist white supremacist symbols.

    Oh wait, are these the same people who claim the "okay" sign is racist too? Why yes, yes they are.

  3. Remember when milk was declared racist? That was one of my favorites, it was so utterly idiotic.

    I will say I understand the furor (fuhrer?) over Alito's flag.
    Anything our fine betters do is okay, anything the rest of us do is problematic.
    Once you accept that, things make sense.

  4. I need that flag as well, to add to my collection.
