Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Mayor Pete shows you don't have to have dementia to be a complete imbecile

"Mayor Pete Bombs CBS Interview, Blames Airline Turbulence On Climate Change, As Host Laughs In His Face".

Buttigieg is obviously a disciple of Curly Howardism.


  1. Maybe global warming caused Pete Bootiejudge.
    They're both anti-fact and pretty stupid if you pay any attention.

  2. better check the big list of things blamed on global warming and add him to it.

  3. Maybe global warming caused Pete Bootiejudge.

    It never seems to ever cause anything good, so that would fit.

  4. Stephen A SkubinnaMay 28, 2024 at 10:45 PM

    But... why isn't turbulence caused by racism? You know, white supremacy? And, ummm, probably the patriarchy too? Didn't they find a couple of MAGA hats in the area that plane bounced and killed that one guy?

  5. Maybe global warming caused Pete Bootiejudge. They're both anti-fact and pretty stupid if you pay any attention.


    Stephen: May well be racism. Have you ever noticed contrails? And have you noticed what color they are? Yep.

  6. This! Is! Magaltitude!

  7. And the guy who died on that flight had a heart attack, which happens more to men than women, so that's not fair to women of course, who are left to clean up the mess we men leave behind when we're off galivanting in the afterlife.

  8. Help me out here. Pete Buttcheeks reminds me of somebody, but I can't think who. The closest I can come is Howdy Doody without the freckles, or Alfalfa from the Little Rascals without the cowlick, but I'm dating myself. Maybe Alfred E. Neuman from Mad Magazine "What, me worry?" Whatever, he has that same juvenile, unserious kind of face, and he certainly doesn't do himself any favors when he opens his mouth.

  9. Arthur Lake as Dagwood Bumstead? But with added facial fluff like a koala?

    Anyway it bugs me how they claimed 'one dead' when he died of a heart attack. On one of the biggest passenger planes ever carrying several hundreds. Which would also be more cumbersome to maneuver.

    And that zone is known for turbulence, I've flown thru it many times and had rough rides. Downunder we have to go through it to get to the rest of the world.
