Saturday, May 18, 2024

Possibly the biggest boon ever doggled

A strange architectural vision, if you ask me - and, apparently, lethal to those who raise objections: "Saudi forces 'told to kill' to clear land for eco-city".


  1. It's an arcology. Of a different design, but still a "15 minute city" that's all but a prison in name.

    The Saudi regime is fast tracking into a dystopia. I doubt they'll like what they get.

  2. It's tragic for all the people displaced or killed, and all for a stupid utopian city that will never be completed.

  3. Stephen A SkubinnaMay 18, 2024 at 11:38 AM

    "The Line" is the weirdest SF real life scheme I have seen to date.

    Wonder how it's going to end up? Logan's Run, or Soylent Green?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. When I was a kid, for some reason, I fantasized about a restaurant that would run straight across the U.S., one continuous building. Guess I figured that if I ever went across country I'd be able to get a hamburger literally any time I wanted one. In retrospect, I suppose the idea was a bit...impractical.
