Monday, May 6, 2024

Rep. Mike "Little" Johnson doin' his best to make the uni-party a permanent thing

"Johnson on Brink of Permanent Power Sharing Agreement with Democrats as MTG, Massie Meeting Fails to Produce Accord with Republicans".

Fool! The only upside to this idiot's "leadership" is going to be the horselaugh he's going to get once the donks have squeezed him dry and tossed him under the bus.


Veeshir said...

Pournelle's gov't from his Falkenburgh's Legion books is looking more and more likely.
The US is run by the Unity Party with GOP and Dem wings.
Except the CoDominion will be the US and commie China instead of the US and commie USSR.
If only we had a way to get off this planet....

rinardman said...

The word 'shortsighted' is way underused when people talk about the GOP.

Anonymous said...

I bet the Republicans are rethinking their decision to get rid of McCarthy.


Paco said...

I never really trusted McCarthy, but at least he wasn't a clueless, highly-malleable dumbass like Johnson (or, perhaps I should say, he was not as big a clueless, highly-malleable dumbass as Johnson).

tom said...

From Ace,my new favorite song, sorry I don't know how to do links:

From regular commenter and all around good 'Ron, Pete Seria, submitted the following: "And now for something completely different. I stumbled upon this at the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix. The Austrian exhibit dubbed it one of their 3 most influential picks.

It translates roughly into "the elites and politicians are a bunch of crooks and belong in hell. And ethanol sucks too". A high school friend who lived and worked in German media for decades said he's one of the biggest counter culture stars over there.

Catchy tune I thought you'd enjoy"

Hubert von Guoisern "Brennan Tuats Guat"