Sunday, May 5, 2024

The real causes of campus protest


Query, unrelatedWhat's with the banana memes I'm seeing lately? I don't get them. For example:

Update  Sheesh! Everybody wants to be Robespierre: "George Washington Students Hold 'People's Tribunal,' Call for Faculty's Deaths".

I'd like to think these idiots would all wind up like Jean-Paul Marat in his bathtub; however, I'm not at all sure they frequent bath tubs.


Veeshir said...

Somebody at one of the protests was allergic to bananas so they got rid of anything even semi-related to bananas.
That's as much as I know, I haven't been paying close attention to these petulant children.
Just enough to enjoy the value of Elite!!!! university degrees drop like a rock.

Rarely have I seen a more perfect example of Hoist on your Retard.

Paco said...

Oh, ok, thanks. That actually explains the memes I was talking about.

rinardman said...

And the counter protesters showed up the next day with bananas, and taunted the hamas crowd with'em. Since them, I think bananas have become something of a symbol for the anti-hamas people. That's about all I know, too.

I even saw one meme using the old Monty Python "How to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana" skit.

Stephen A Skubinna said...

The Jew-haters had a near catastrophic meltdown when the counter protesters showed up with bananas. It was practically a war crime. Not even kidding.

A Tweet from one of the precious darlings complained that Zionists showed up "waving bananas like settlers waving machine guns." Yes, seriously. Can you imagine the brutality?

rinardman said...

The real crime was that they were full auto assault bananas and some of the people didn't have a class 3 FFL!

Paco said...

Plus, high-capacity banana clips are probably banned in places like California and New York.

Veeshir said...

High capacity banana bunches should be banned!
Banana daiquiris shouldn't be in civilian hands!
The university was UCLA, I checked afterward. It was as stupid as I thought from what little I'd known.
Reinforcing my, 'I'm not paying much attention' stance.
These are tomorrow's leaders, America's so boned.

Gregoryno6 said...

That damned colonialism gets its foot in every door.

RebeccaH said...

I understand that there's a banana allergy now, in addition to peanut allergy, citrus allergy, shellfish allergy, gluten allergy, et al. I never heard of a banana allergy, but I suppose campus fragiles are victims. I suspect it's really the case that some people just don't like bananas.