Sunday, June 30, 2024

A-n-n-n-d...there it is

"Former World Economic Forum Staffers Accuse Founder Klaus Schwab of Sexual Harassment".

This guy always wanted to be a god, and we know that Zeus was a playah, so, no surprise.


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 1, 2024 at 12:21 AM

    Speaking of people who are moral exemplars and just oh-so-waaaaaay better than you, Roberta Kaplan has left her own law firm because she's a dick.

    Sorry, gendered language. She's a c*nt.

    Yet another Harvey Weinstein, parading their superior virtue over the rest of us.

  2. After the war in Germany women outnumbered men, and males were spoilt. A lot of male adultery was observed among the war and postwar generations, males acted like it was natural for a man to have many women.

  3. Despite their sniffy denials, you know it's true.

  4. Oh, no! I hate to see this happening to such a nice guy.

  5. Yoo luv ze magnifcence of my hairlezz dome, do you not, fraulein? It zymbolizez my enormuz manlinezz.
