Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Some lies are so big and bad that I believe the soul of the liar is probably stuffed into a pneumatic tube and shot straight into hell upon departing this life

"Hillary Clinton Swoons over ‘Wise and Decent’ Biden Ahead of Trump Debate".

There is zero chance that Hillary actually believes that Joe Biden is "wise" and "decent". You want proof? Then let's submit her statements for scientific analysis:


  1. She's angling for a cabinet appointment or an ambassadorship, or maybe to replace Kami Klueless on the ticket. Hillary doesn't do or say anything unless there's something in it for Hillary.

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaJune 25, 2024 at 12:35 PM

    Hillary is such a venal and corrupt pathological liar I can't imagine anybody actually believes her BS. But the palace guard media loves to hold her up as a shining example of rectitude and competence.

    And to them, she probably is.

  3. Have you ever wondered why I always spell her name 'Hilliary'?

    This is why.
