Monday, June 24, 2024

Who ya gonna believe?

Prime Minister Netanyahu or anybody in the Biden administration? "Netanyahu continues to claim that US hasn’t sent weapons shipments in four months".

Now, that's a pretty straightforward statement. I tend to believe that it's true, but I suppose it could be a half-truth or even a lie. But it's clear, whatever its truth quotient turns out to be.

On the other hand, behold the bureaucratic gobbledygook of National Security Council spokesman John Kirby's response:

Netanyahu’s video “was perplexing, to say the least, certainly disappointing, especially given that no other country is doing more to help Israel defend itself against the threat by Hamas, and quite frankly, other threats that they’re facing in the region than the United States,” Kirby said. “I think we’ve made it abundantly clear to our Israeli counterparts through various vehicles our deep disappointment in the statements expressed in that video and our concerns over the accuracy in the statements made.”

He could have said, "we just made a huge shipment of weapons three weeks ago", or "we've told the Prime Minister that we're working to step up shipments" (if either one of those things is true). But you'll notice that he did not actually deny Netanyahu's claim, just laid out the administrations' hurt feelings on a spongy bed of drivel. 


  1. "A spongey bed of drivel." I like that, and plan to use it myself.

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaJune 24, 2024 at 11:36 PM

    Kirby is a weasel. The best you can say about him is that he isn't a gibbering moron like his opposite number Kareeny-Weeney-Peeny. Which means that he's simply an amoral shameless whore defending the indefensible. No doubt he has a long career with CNN or MSNBC after his WH service, where he at least can provide some much needed gravitas to counterbalance the shrieking histrionics of the Sharptons and Acostas and Scarboroughs and Reids.

  3. Feel free, Uncle Bill! And welcome!

  4. Stephen: It's very difficult not to positively hate these people.

  5. ...our concerns over the accuracy in the statements made...

    Probably not nearly as much concern as they have over the accuracy of their own statements, I'm sure.

  6. Stephen: It's very difficult not to positively hate these people.

    I don't even try.
