Monday, July 29, 2024

I believe Biden is only a week or so away from a "Rosebud" moment



  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 29, 2024 at 7:02 PM

    Remember how Obama liked to joke that he was "pretty good at killing people?" Ha ha, that was so bada$$.

    Of course, what he meant was that he was good at telling some aide, who them called somebody at NSA or DoD or CIA, who then told his assisstant, who passed it along to some dude whop told somebody else who then made a plan and gave it to somebody who passed it along to somebody else who then ordered a drone operator or some O-4 or maybe a PMC who then pulled thew trigger.

    But the point stands. Obama was a bada$$ mofo who would kill you as soon as he'd look at you.

    The difference here is, if Biden said he wanted somebody dead, it's fifty-fifty that some aide would said "great idea, Mr. President, here's your ice cream and a binky."

  2. Joe Biden is a piece of sh!t. He's been a piece of sh!t for his entire life in politics, and he'll die a piece of sh!t.
    And everyone that works for him has to be pieces of sh!t, too, to be able to stand the smell.

  3. I remember Obama's joke from the Press Club dinner 'I have two words for you, Predator Drones, you'll never see it coming, you think I'm joking...'

    He wasn't joking... first American citizens killed by a predator drone on his orders... a terrorist al-awalki and his son.

    more recently, the mysterious drowning of his chef in a pond on Martha's Vineyard... maybe not the body count of the Clintons, but...

  4. I think Dirty Old Joe was just parroting the news ghoul, like in a dementia reflex, but hey who knows? Maybe he did mean it. I'm sure he and Lady MacBiden have discussed it.
