Wednesday, July 10, 2024

No, no! He's fine, I tell you!

"White House Confirms Joe Biden Was Among Those in January Meeting that Included a Neurologist Specializing in Parkinson’s".

Listen, Breitbart, ixnay on the ealthhay. What are you trying to do? Drive this decent man out of the race?

This is all misinformation! Why, Paco World News Daily (PWND) just recently took this photo of Joe Biden pulling his old Amtrack locomotive.


  1. They were talking about how Trump might have Parkinson's.
    Tomorrow's MSNBC today!

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 10, 2024 at 8:24 PM

    When Jack LaLanne was 70, handcuffed and shackled he towed 70 boats a mile and a half through Long Beach Harbor.

    Which Joe Biden does twice a day - wearing chainmail - just prior to wrestling five grizzly bears. Not a joke, Jack!

  3. My mother was still driving in her 90s but others thought that was dangerous. Eventually my brother (her favorite) prevailed, after yelling at her, and got her to give up driving.

    I've been in a car with an old friend who nearly hit a pedestrian because he could not drive straight and was losing road reflexes. Yet when his license was suspended, he appealed and got it back.

    Some old folks become very stubborn about accepting that their abilities are fading. They become combative and defensive and that's part of their problem.

  4. PS, I didn't mean that all people in their 90s can't drive. I'm sure some may be fine.

    My mother died a couple years after that, so she was probably on a general slide, and my brother who was very close to her noticed a problem.

    That's also the problem with all this trust people have in 'tests' by experts - the people best placed to see the problem are the immediate family.

  5. My MIL cried because we "took her wheels away", even though she hadn't driven her car in over a year (I drove her everywhere until we moved her to assisted living). It's that awful feeling of losing your independence.

  6. Grandma Paco drove over to a friend's house, pulled into the driveway (which had a bit of an incline), parked the car, and was standing in the yard talking to her friend when she suddenly noticed the car rolling backwards, down into the street. She quit driving after that.

  7. Difference between us and the Bidens. We have supportive families who help the eldest when we see clearly that they're declining.
