Thursday, August 8, 2024


Vivek Ramaswamy makes a point that has been made by several commenters here: "‘We’re Running Against a System’"

That reminds me, time to buy another one: "Kamala Harris, Tim Walz Push AR-15 Ban in First Joint Campaign Appearance".

Planned Parenthood looks for more souls to devour: "How Did Planned Parenthood Become One of the Country’s Largest Suppliers of Testosterone?"

Smells a little insurrectiony to me: "UNC and Duke anti-Israel groups condone 'armed rebellion' and 'revolutionary violence' to achieve goals: 'Resist by any means necessary'".

Kamala's not-very-funny comic fundraiser: "‘Comics for Kamala’ Fundraiser Bombs" (I am disappointed to learn of Nick Offerman's political lobotomy, and that he has become a towel boy in the Lefty bathhouse; related: "White Dudes For Having Some Personal Dignity And Self-Respect").




  1. Can Hayes point to a single socialist nation with effective, efficient bureaucratic administration?

    And no, he doesn't get to claim the "But Scandinavia!" cop-out. Funny how all these Western socialists yearn for the Soviet Union or Cuba but pretend they really mean Scandinavian welfare programs.

  2. God's reset button would be funny if it weren't so scarily close to happening.

  3. It seems to me there's some kind of connection between 'Ingsoc is watching you' and Chris Hayes' 'effective, efficient, bureaucratic administration but the project lives or dies based on it'.

    But, I guess I could be wrong.

  4. To argue with a Dimocrat is like administering medicine to the dead.


  5. I'll take a different tack: It doesn't really matter what we call the current 'thing', it certainly is NOT effective or efficient, but the opposite.

    There's an eruption across alt media from UK about current problems and all are agreed that the new PM Starmer is unfit for the job, with one saying the govt response is a bunch of "midwits". Incompetence. Kafka-esque bureaucracy.
    - Bruce

  6. The latest from London is that the media are crowing about a large 'march for peace' yesterday. But reports feature a swarthy gent leading the marchers who says they should 'cut the throats' of the opposition! 'Peace' seems a long way off yet, then.
    - Bruce

  7. I'm sure he means that their throats should be peacefully cut.
