Monday, August 5, 2024

Chickens finally coming home to roost

"U.S. Stocks Plunge as Recession Fear Takes Hold".

I never really understood why the administration thought the "Bidenomics" theme was a good idea: every aspect of the economy "managed" by Biden and his string-pullers was eventually going to be bad news, from unbridled spending, to high inflation, to labor markets distorted by an influx of cheap (and illegal) workers, to the widespread undermining of merit in hiring, and, today, to the stock market crash. 

And here's the thing, America: it will only get worse under Harris.

Which doesn't mean she might not get elected. I was sitting in a fast-food restaurant the day Biden announced that he wasn't going to run for president, and there were four black ladies sitting at a table across the way talking about it. The one comment that really stuck out was this one: "Well, Uncle Joe took care of us". A more ignorant and delusional view about Biden and the Democrats is hard to conceive, from the notion that the president is an avuncular figure who actually cares about black Americans, to the assumption that people, in general, need to be taken care of by the government. Yet that represents the unthinking acceptance of Democrat propaganda among tens of millions (of all races, incidentally; the ladies in question just happened to be black).

This is what I mean when I talk about what I call the imbecilariat. And I see no reason why reasonably intelligent people should have to be ruled by the stupid simply because the latter may constitute 51% of the voters. Does that mean I don't support democracy unreservedly? You bet it does!


  1. Those are also my thoughts, same as yours. PLUS labor unions play a huge role in elections, and have a surprising power over their members. I'll bet those ladies were in a union. Even if the NY Teamster leader was pro-Trump, there are so many other union folks across the country who are lock-step Democrat.
    - Bruce

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaAugust 5, 2024 at 3:48 PM

    Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown.

    No point engaging with these kinds of maroons. Seriously they couldn't tell you the difference between the Tuskegee Airmen and the Tuskegee Experiments.

  3. And here's the thing, America: it will only get worse under Harris.

    Yes, it will only get worse because Trump has had 4 years to interfere with the Biden administration's great economic policies, and he will continue to interfere with the Harris administration's even better economic policies!

  4. I just saw this on Twitchy: Sen. Tom Cotton Calls for Kamala Harris to Hold a Press Conference on Stock Market Crash

    C'mon, Senator, things aren't bad enough? You want to make it crash even harder?

  5. It's not that hard to believe those ladies are stuck in pro-Democrat mode. There are still people among us wearing masks, after all.

  6. I know women who are still incensed that Trump said "pussy". He's just not a nice man, according to them. Never mind about Biden's hair-sniffing, woman-fondling ways, or raking in millions of dollars in bribes and insider trading, encouragement of the ferals in our society, etc etc etc. Those women just close their eyes, put their hands over their ears and go "La la la, I can't hear you!"
