Friday, August 16, 2024

Keep the faith

Don Surber: "Nothing is over until we decide it is!".


  1. I admit I get might irritated when I read comments from people who say they're soooo disappointed in the Republicans that they're just not going to vote this election. It's true, some of those might be Democrat shills trying to discourage Republican voters, but too many of them aren't. As if any political party in the history of mankind has ever been perfect and acceptable to everyone. The Republicans have made lots of mistakes, and Donald Trump is nobody's idea of the perfect candidate, but look at what the Dems have done the last decade and a half and make your choice, even if you have to hold your nose.

  2. Using the example of the 2020 election, I've adopted the strategy of 'just cast my vote, and hope for the best'.

    1. Mel Brooks wrote the theme for his film The Twelve Chairs with the line "Hope for the best, expect the worst."

      He claimed that it was an actual Russian proverb, but he probably came up with it on his own.
