Saturday, August 3, 2024

Kompittance in akshun

"Cruz: 9/11 Plea Deal Happened Because White House Wants Gitmo Closed, They Backtracked Due to Backlash".

So, the deal got yanked - for now. I guarantee it'll get done if Harris wins the election.


  1. [The White House] is officially the kid beside the broken lamp who swears he didn't do it.

  2. Dunno what I'm supposed to be surprised by. That this administration made this deal in the first place, or that they were blindsided by the backlash to it.

    We truly are being run by a cabal of retards. Highly credentialed retards, but that just makes their idiotic self justifications more articulate.

  3. that's the thing with so much government, no one can know about everything that is going on because there are so many organizations, people, agendas; if you're at the top you state your goals and trust that your team will make it happen; when you have people down the line resisting or obstructing like during the Trump years it's difficult to get things done; when the people down the line have similar goals things can work; back when Obama was in office the goal was to close Gitmo and get rid of the terrorist legal issues, so in this third Obama administration, his people are sticking with the mission.
