Thursday, August 15, 2024

Live and learn

I had no idea of the AI capabilities for creating music and lyrics until I saw this post at The mind is an unexplored country a couple of weeks ago. Amazing how period-correct both the music and the "cover art" are. Here's a sample of one that, um, is suitable for my PG-rated blog:


  1. I've found a few of those AI created period music pieces, and yeah they're disturbingly believable.

    Unless you stumble across one of the more... er, salacious examples.

    Anyway, I wonder when we'll see these in the soundtracks of shows and films? The Hollywood unions are fighting against the use of AI in the business, but they're really pissing in the wind. Oops, can I say that here? Anyway, it's coming and they can't do anything more than shout and threaten.

  2. Yeah, some are definitely NSFW.

  3. I mentioned over at Gregory's blog that I'll be interested in watching the first AI Grammy awards.

  4. I just forwarded "Have you ever...." to my landlady. I believe it could have been written about her current boss.
