Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Shoot, I forgot!

This clown is still president...

Still plenty of time for him, wittingly or otherwise, to start a nuclear war or trigger another Great Depression. Better order up some of those survival food supplies.


  1. I am betting that he does not have direct access to the launch codes. My guess is the WH CoS, SecDef and SecState have formed a triumvirate to shortstop any urgent national security matters.

  2. What Stephen S. said. It's questionable whether he ever had access to the codes, since it's becoming ever more clear that he was non compos mentis all along. That's not to say he hasn't done serious damage to the country.

  3. Also, every photo I see of that decomposing husk stretched out in a beach chair makes me wish I could run up there, tip his chair over, and bury his head in the sand.

    1. Haw! I'd like to slip up to him, carefully tie one end of a rope to his ankle, swim out beyond the surf with the other end of the rope to a strategically-placed jet ski, affix the rope, climb aboard and let 'er rip!

  4. Unfortunately you can't get that close because of the SS protection crew.

    1. Considering today's USSS, I bet we could bribe 'em.
