Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Queen of Duh

10 Thought-Provoking Quotes from Kamala Harris


  1. The 'And I haven't been to Europe' response takes the gold.
    Kammykackles has spouted more verbal idiocy than her boss over the last four years. And she doesn't even have dementia to assist her.

  2. The thought her quotes provoke in me is "This is all a joke, right?"

  3. These are not tears of laughter welling in my eyes.

  4. She is unburdened by the significance of whatever burdens her.

  5. I still don't understand how she got through law school. This is pure, unadulterated, lab quality stupidity.

    1. I'd like to know if she's ever argued a case in court. And I am dead serious. Can you picture it?

      We know she was a prosecutor, and a DA and an AG, but you can fill those positions without stepping into a courtroom. I really want to know, has she ever argued a case?

  6. The part that makes it so much worse is how she acts as if the inanities she's spewing are so profound.
    What with the freakshow on the left calling Trump and Vance weird for a few days, I have to wonder if we're in a Monty Python skit.
    Can the Ministry of Silly Walks be far behind?
